Enthusiastic about Python, Django, API creation and Software development

Exploring the Software World

Here you can see my CV.


Passionate Programmer with a curious mind, Loves to solve complex problems,Optimistic : Concludes me

I am an aspiring Python developer, Software developer In this technological era, everything is changing continuously so it is necessary to stay updated as what is unconventional today is obsolete tomorrow. I am currently exploring the world of Computer with begineer's eyes so currently learning various new things.


Innovexxia Technologies

Worked on couple of projects which includes ML concepts and also Python Django framework concepts for API making.
1. Smart Cart an IoT product:
- Implemented 20 % faster YOLOv4 model for loose item detection.
- Also made model with YOLOv5 with some tuning into paramaters.
2. ExamPlus an online Education platform:
- Implemented Django REST Framework concepts.
- Implemented Permissio based views, Authentication, Hiearchical structure of Institute.
- Optimized previously developed APIs.
- Worked with Angular team and lead team by achieving deadlines.
- Also learnt Jira Software, Bitbucker with git version control system.

Omdena Pennsylvania Chapter

2 months Ongoing Machine learning Internship with collabarative contribution to open-source project.
I have been assigned to lead the data collection task which i completed successfully.
The Project Goals is as below
1. Collect data of startups from public databases, web pages, creating Google Forms, etc.
2. Analyze the data and identify factors using the proper methodology.
3. Perform exploratory data analysis
4. Prepare machine learning models

The Sparks Foundation

1 Month Machine learning Internship
I did basic Machine learning regression project which is about predicting scores of student using thier study hours.
Goal achieved:
Concepts of different types of regression supervised learning algorithms.


Car selling price prediction

Created Machine learning regression project using scikit-learn library of python. It takes such details of car and in return gives approximate price like all other car-selling business sites for example cars24. Used Regression supervised learning. Dataset taken from Kaggle : Data Used flask framework to deploy it over web.

Online Attendance using face recognition

This is my University project created in team of 4 members of my class & my contribution was in backend and in neural network model building. This project is to overcome our traditional attendance system (Pen-paper) of education. Used Google Facenet neural networks model for embeddings. Added some useful funcitonalities like monthly attendance downloader, student’s daily attendance sheet. Students can also view if there attendance are taken or not.
Created neural networks model using python, tensorflow framework. Used flask microservice framework for backend of web-application.

Here you can see project report : Project Report

Multipurpose web-application

Created Multipurpose general web-application using different APIs listed below in python.
Web-applicaiton home page shows you advice per refresh, time (Used Javascript for this).
Then it will show you current weather of city you entered, Movie details of entered movie name, 5 synonyms of the word.
You can register to daily 7 AM weather update for multiple cities with email id.
Used Flask framework and deployed over pythonanywhere platform.

Live Project on Intertnet link Click here

GTU result Web-scrapper

If you are also very curios about other’s result then this project will be very useful for you.
Created intermediate level project of web-scrapping in python to scrape result of all my class-mates from my university’s website.
I have used python web scraping concepts, database concepts to store results of range of students.
Used tesseract, Image library and ByteIO to get location of captcha code, store it then after preprocessing to remove line in center applying tesseract to get text.
Used Libraries : Selenium, Beautifulsoup, Tesseract, BytesIO and some other useful.


Programming Skills:- Python, JavaScript(Beginner)
Front End Technologies:-HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Back End Technologies:Django, Flask
Operating System: Linux (Ubuntu), Windows (XP, 7 and 10)
Key Skills: Python, Django, NodeJs, ExpressJS, Team player, Communication

Work and Contact details

Other web-apps deployed by me

Any feedback from youside will be appreciated.

General website
Basic Image classifier using CNN
Traffic sign recognition demo

Contact details

  • Address

    New Ratnakar society.
    Ranip, Ahmedabad 382481
    Gujarat, India
  • Phone

    +91 95866 31102
  • Email
